Tops: Solid color, collared (polo style, no logo) shirts in red, white, navy blue, black or hunter green and school approved Carter spirit shirts.
Bottoms: Solid color navy blue, black, khaki or blue jeans, capris, shorts, skirts, skorts or jumpers. Jeans must be solid with no rips, tears, distressing or embellishments.
To change your student’s transporation, please call the front office at (832) 223-5500. All transportation changes and notifications for early student pick up must be submitted to the front office by 2:00 pm.
No parent drop offs before 6:45 am. No early pickups after 2:00 pm.
Students are considered tardy after 7:15 a.m. When your child is tardy, you must escort them into the school office to be signed in before going to class. Being tardy not only prevents your child from receiving critical instruction, but it also interrupts the learning process of other children who are here on time. For this reason, repeated tardiness will necessitate a telephone call and/or a conference with your child’s teacher. Excessive tardies and early pick ups may result in truancy charges and/or investigation into zone residency status.
1st Tardy – Tardy notice sent home
2nd Tardy – Tardy notice sent home
3rd Tardy – Teacher contacts parent/email notice sent home
4th Tardy – Referral entered into Skyward / Counselor contacts parent
5th Tardy – Referral entered into Skyward / Administrator contacts parent
6th Tardy – Referral entered into Skyward / Family Support Specialist contacts parent
**The tardy count resets each 9-week grading period**
The official attendance time at Carter Elementary is 8:15 a.m. In case of an absence from school, parent needs to send a written excuse letter on the day their child returns. The letter should include the current date, date(s) of absences, and the reason the child was absent. The letter should also be signed by the parent/guardian. If the child is absent three days or more due to illness, a doctor’s excuse note is required. We will not excuse absence due to family trips or vacations. Truancy documentation can be filed after ten unexcused absences.
3rd Consecutive Absence – Teacher contacts parents
6th Unexcused Absence – Campus letter sent home / Counselor contacts parent
8th Unexcused Absence – Administrator contacts parent
10th Unexcused Absence – Family Support Specialist contacts parent / Referral to Attendance Review Committee
Please feel free to contact our counselor so that we can partner with you to improve attendance in order to keep your child engaged and growing in learning.
Tops: Solid color, collared (polo style, no logo) shirts in red, white, navy blue, black or hunter green and school approved Carter spirit shirts.
Bottoms: Solid color navy blue, black, khaki or blue jeans, capris, shorts, skirts, skorts or jumpers. Jeans must be solid with no rips, tears, distressing or embellishments.
To change your student’s transporation, please call the front office at (832) 223-5500. All transportation changes and notifications for early student pick up must be submitted to the front office by 2:00 pm.
No parent drop offs before 6:45 am. No early pickups after 2:00 pm.
Students are considered tardy after 7:15 a.m. When your child is tardy, you must escort them into the school office to be signed in before going to class. Being tardy not only prevents your child from receiving critical instruction, but it also interrupts the learning process of other children who are here on time. For this reason, repeated tardiness will necessitate a telephone call and/or a conference with your child’s teacher. Excessive tardies and early pick ups may result in truancy charges and/or investigation into zone residency status.
1st Tardy – Tardy notice sent home
2nd Tardy – Tardy notice sent home
3rd Tardy – Teacher contacts parent/email notice sent home
4th Tardy – Referral entered into Skyward / Counselor contacts parent
5th Tardy – Referral entered into Skyward / Administrator contacts parent
6th Tardy – Referral entered into Skyward / Family Support Specialist contacts parent
**The tardy count resets each 9-week grading period**
The official attendance time at Carter Elementary is 8:15 a.m. In case of an absence from school, parent needs to send a written excuse letter on the day their child returns. The letter should include the current date, date(s) of absences, and the reason the child was absent. The letter should also be signed by the parent/guardian. If the child is absent three days or more due to illness, a doctor’s excuse note is required. We will not excuse absence due to family trips or vacations. Truancy documentation can be filed after ten unexcused absences.
3rd Consecutive Absence – Teacher contacts parents
6th Unexcused Absence – Campus letter sent home / Counselor contacts parent
8th Unexcused Absence – Administrator contacts parent
10th Unexcused Absence – Family Support Specialist contacts parent / Referral to Attendance Review Committee
Please feel free to contact our counselor so that we can partner with you to improve attendance in order to keep your child engaged and growing in learning.